Code Enforcement

Important Code Enforcement Office Notes:

  • A building permit is required for all structures 144 square feet or more.  All structures must meet the town setbacks for your zoning district.  It is always best to be a good neighbor.
  • Structural change to a residence requires a building permit and architectural plans.
  • Addition, alteration, remodel and conversion of unfinished basements/garages/barns/pole barns to living space requires a building permit and architectural plans. Adding more bedrooms requires septic system review and approval.
  • A building permit is required for all roof work. You are allowed to go over an existing roof once.  After that, according to NYS Code, you must do a tear off down to the sheathing and then put a new roof on.
  • A building permit is required for septic systems new or repair.
  • You need to obtain a septic system inspection and report prior to transfer of real property (see more information below).
  • In addition, you need to have both well and septic system approval before a building permit can be issued for a new home.

The best rule of thumb for you to follow would be if you are in doubt as to whether you need a building permit for a project, small or large, call before beginning the project. Such things as disturbing soil, demolition, building, structural, electrical, plumbing, decks, swimming pools, hot tubs, tennis/pickleball courts, fences, signs, additions, alterations, remodels, conversions into living space, new homes, roofs, onsite wastewater treatment systems, etc. require a building permit.

Once a building permit has been issued, the property owner/contractor is responsible for contacting the Code Enforcement Office to set up inspections per the permit to receive a final Certificate of Compliance or Certificate of Occupancy.

Chapter 170 Zoning

Chapter 113 Noise & Chapter 141 Short Term Rentals

  • No property should be operating a short-term rental without a permit. Review the Noise and Short-Term Rentals local laws, fee schedule and short-term rental new permit application.
Approved Electrical Inspectors
Building Permit Application
Business or Homeowner Certificate of Attestation of Exemption from WC-DBL CE-200 Guide
Certificate of Non-Conformity Application
Demolition Building Permit Application
Dock Boat House and Boat Station Building Permit Application
Emergency Evacuation Route Example
Fee Schedule Effective 05.13.2024
Floodplain Development Permit Application
Gas Geothermal and Solid Fuel Permit Application
Generator Site Selection and Preparation
New Home Building Permit Application
Not-for-Profit Certificate of Attestation of Exemption from WC-DBL CE-200 Guide
Planning Board Application
Short-Term Rental New Permit Application
Short-Term Rental Renewal Permit Application
Solar and Generator Permit Application
Steep Slopes Permit Application
Swimming Pool Permit Application
Timber Harvest Permit Application
Town of South Bristol Code
Town of South Bristol Overlay Map
Town of South Bristol Steep Slopes Map
Town of South Bristol Official Zoning Map
Transfer of Real Property Inspection of Wastewater Treatment Systems
Zoning Board of Appeals Application
Zoning Code Violation Notification

Code Enforcement Hours

Mondays through Thursdays 7:00 am to 3:30 pm (Call Ahead)

Fridays – Town Hall Closed

***Please give at least 24 hours’ notice for inspections***

Code Enforcement Officer

Scott L. Martin

585.374.6341 (Option 2)

Deputy Code Enforcement Officer

Alan M. Pearce

585.374.6341 (Option 3)

Code Enforcement, Planning Board & Zoning Board of Appeals Assistant

Diane Scholtz Graham

585.374.6341 (Option 5)

Assistant Hours

Mondays through Thursdays 8:00 am to 4:30 pm


Planning Board meets on the 3rd Wednesday at 6:30 pm

Zoning Board of Appeals meets on the 4th Wednesday at 7:00 pm

Please check the town website calendar, community bulletin board, important documents and notices for meeting changes.